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D8.3 First Prototype Report

This deliverable presents the results of the 1st part of the Prototyping phase in the PREFORMA project. It consists of four distinguishable parts.

The first part (chapter 1 to 3) gives the overall context, including aims and objectives, documents particularly important for the work preformed, and formal background. It also summarises the discussions with the suppliers and internally in the PREFORMA Consortium, and presents complementary issues in moreĀ  depth.

The second part (chapter 4) focuses on the results achieved by the suppliers, based on their software releases and submitted reports.

The third part (chapter 5) analyses the progress made by the suppliers, including what is left to be done.

The fourth part (chapter 6) resumes the outcome of the 1st part of the Prototyping phase in the form of six main conclusions and a brief charter of success. The results achieved indicate that the project is moving in the right direction. The interplay between theories, discussions, releases and testing has created an exciting situation for the coming development with huge potential for further interest and involvement as well as enhanced communication between different stakeholders.