DanceHE (Dance in Higher Education) represents the interests of its members from Dance higher education to organisations such as the funding councils, HEFCE and HEA in areas concerning funding, policy and processes. Acting as a mediating body DanceHE facilitates collaboration and debate across institutions – drawing together teachers, practitioners and researchers to share information and best practice.
“DanceHE Sustaining the Discipline” took place on 28-29 October 2016 at the University of Leeds, debating dance scholarship and research at a time when arts knowledge and engagement face precarious economic futures. Taking Sustainability as central theme and exploring the value and further progress of dance as a social, cultural asset and route to individual identity.
A team from Coventry University participated to the event with a presentation of the Dance Pilot as part of C-DaRE Intangible Cultural Heritage Panel.
DanceHE website:

The E-Space group: Coordinator Sarah Whatley, IPR expert Charlotte Waelde and representatives from the Dance Pilot.