DAVID – Final User-Test-Workshop


davidPREFORMA project has been invited to the final evaluation and user-test-workshop organised by the sister R&D-project DAVID (Digital AV Media Damage Prevention and Repair) in Vienna at the ORF-Centre on 28-29 April 2015.


The Workshop

During this event, the results from the DAVID project will be presented and it will be given the chance to test and evaluate those directly, discuss the test-results and the experience during the workshop with the developers and learn about the latest research-results and developments in the domain.

Both days of the workshop will start at 10:00 with general presentations and the introduction of the test-candidates; in the afternoon the evaluation-tests, discussions and further demonstrations will take place.

More information on the following “test-candidates” and the DAVID-project can be found on the DAVID project-website (http://david-preservation.eu).



The attendance to the workshop is free and also “open” in terms of timing; but since the main presentations will take place on each day in the morning-session (see above), it would be reasonable to attend at least one whole day.

To take part in the workshop, please send a short notice including name, profession,  company and the preferred day(s) of attendance to christoph.bauer@orf.at or david-office@joanneum.at

Please register as soon as possible, as the number of participants is limited!


Need more information? Visit http://david-preservation.eu or send an email to christoph.bauer@orf.at!


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