Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:18:59 2025 / +0000 GMT

Decision support tools and methodologies to improve the resilience of historic areas

The EU-funded project ARCH-Advancing Resilience of historic areas against Climate-related and other Hazards- is a research project aims to deliver decision support tools and methodologies to improve the resilience of historic areas to climate change-related and other hazards.

Last December 2021 ARCH published the "Knowledge Information Management System for Decision Support" deliverable that summarizes methods, data and results obtained by the project to generate relevant information and knowledge to support decision making process.

The report highlights that:

  • to improve awareness and capacity building on disaster resilience at the historical area level: the implementation of ontology-based and semantic-based spatiotemporal assessment has great potential

  • to support decision-making processes of preventive conservation and restoration of cultural heritage buildings: automated approaches for 3D modelling and automatic crack / damage detection based on deep learning have proven to be extremely valuable tools

Forther information:
About ARCH project.
About “Knowledge Information Management System for Decision Support” deliverable.