Digital meets Culture
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DH@Madrid Summer School 2016

Summer School “Digital technologies applied to the study of poetry”

Dates: 27 June to 1st July 2016

Venue: Sala Sáenz Torrecilla, Facultad de Económicas, UNED, Madrid – or your own computer (the course is available online)


The summer school offers an application of digital humanities to the study of poetry through practical learning of the latest technologies in this field.

More information:


  • Provide researchers with knowledge and understanding of the different digital humanities technologies and their application, specifically for textual analysis: TEI-XML, LOD, PLN, R.

  • Reveal to participants the different technological and theoretical perspectives to address a single subject or philological concept as poetry, and provide them with simple tools they can use without extensive programming.

  • Generate materials and tools which can be applied to the analysis of poetry and that researchers can reuse by themselves for their projects.


Researchers in philology and digital humanities, as well as people from other areas interested in the study of poetry. It is not essential to have previous experience in this area, although it is recommended to have some understanding of digital humanities and associated working methodologies.


The course will be mainly practical and delivered in a workshop form, although some more theoretical sessions are included.


The course is sponsored by HDH (Asociación Hispánica de Humanidades Digitales,, AAHD (Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales), and DIXIT (Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training Network) Members of all these groups will receive a 10% discount over the registration fees.

More information registration process and program: