Digital meets Culture
Export date: Wed Jul 17 23:34:07 2024 / +0000 GMT

Digital Humanities 2013

Digital Humanities is the annual international conference of the following organizations:

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, which includes the Association for Computers in the Humanities, the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, the Society for Digital Humanities/Société pour l'étude des médias interactifs, and centerNet, is an umbrella organisation whose goals are to promote and support digital research and teaching across arts and humanities disciplines, drawing together humanists engaged in digital and computer-assisted research, teaching, creation, dissemination, and beyond, in all areas reflected by its diverse membership.

The Digital Humanities conference in 2013 will be hosted by the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Lincoln Nebraska is located on the Great Plains in the center of the United States.

Call for papers:

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) invites submissions of abstracts for its annual conference, on any aspect of the digital humanities. This includes but is not limited to:

  • humanities research enabled through digital media, data mining, software studies, or information design and modeling;

  • computer applications in literary, linguistic, cultural, and historical studies, including electronic literature, public humanities, and interdisciplinary aspects of modern scholarship;

  • the digital arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, new media, digital games, and related areas;

  • the creation and curation of humanities digital resources;

  • social, institutional, global, multilingual, and multicultural aspects of digital humanities

  • and the role of digital humanities in pedagogy and academic curricula.

CulturaCultura project, a 36 months EU project funded under Seventh Framework Programme, has answered to the Call, submitting an abstract. The abstract called "An Evaluation of the Involvement of General Users in a Cultural Heritage Collection" by Agosti, Benfante, Manfioletti, Orio, Ponchia has been accepted.

Cultura project will attend the International Conference presenting the following papers and posters:

  • "An Evaluation of the Involvement of General Users in a Cultural Heritage Collection" by Agosti, Benfante, Manfioletti, Orio and Ponchia

  • "Normalisation in Historical Text Collections" by Lawless, Hampson, Mitankin and Gerdjikov (Poster)

  • "The FAST-CAT: Empowering Cultural Heritage Annotations" by Munnelly, Hampson, Ferro and Conlan (Full Paper)

  • "CULTURA: Supporting Professional Humanities Researchers" by Sweetnam, Bailey, O'Siochru and Conlan (Short Paper, Abstract)

Linked Documents (PDF):



More information on the DH2013:

Registration will open on March 1, 2013.

Pratical information to reach Lincoln (NE) will be available soon...