3D reconstruction of the horse clay model, 2005, by Andrea Bernardoni and Riccardo Braga, Museo Galileo, Florence, CC BY-NC-ND
Europeana, the European digital library, just launched a new online exhibition, focused on the story and project of Leonardo’s monument to celebrate Francesco Sforza, the founder of the Sforza dynasty in Milan. In 7 chapters and enriched with interesting stories, beautiful heritage images and modern 3D reconstructions, this exhibition joins two intriguing themes: the groundbreaking artistic and technical research of Leonardo, and the beauty of Renaissance art.
Enjoy the exhibition on Europeana: http://www.europeana.eu/portal/en/exhibitions/the-colossus-of-leonardo-da-vinci

Study for the Francesco Sforza equestrian monument by Leonardo da Vinci, Royal Library, Windsor, Public Domain.
Leonardo da Vinci’s project to cast an equestrian monument of Francesco Sforza (1401-1466) was one of the most audacious artistic and technological challenges of the Italian Renaissance. This enormous statue was never realised but, thanks to original Leonardo notes and drawings preserved in the National Library of Spain, a virtual reconstruction of his casting process is possible. In this special exhibition recently launched on Europeana, experts from Florence’s Museo Galileo use the artist’s original manuscripts, and new digital reconstructions, to bring Leonardo’s incredible project to life.
Museo Galileo, Florence
Concept and realisation:
Andrea Bernardoni: Exhibition Curator, Museo Galileo
Marco Berni: European Projects Coordinator, Museo Galileo
Marketing: Antonella Fresa, Promoter SRL
Douglas McCarthy, Exhibition Editor
Małgorzata Szynkielewska, Exhibition Producer