Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 17:00:59 2025 / +0000 GMT

E-Space Ignite Talk at Europeana AGM 2016 melts snow in Riga

The Europeana Network Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an annual key event for Europeana and its network. It provides the opportunity for Europeana and its partners for all to share, discuss and develop specific areas of mutual interest.

This year, at AGM2016 in Riga, E-Space was one of the protagonists with an Ignite Talk, that is a quick, inspiring and exciting short presentation of 3 minutes, focused on the project core action for creative reuse of digital cultural heritage.

Technical Coordinator Antonella delivered the talk as a combination of few slides (PDF available for download, 270 Kb) and a trailer video of the 6 E-Space pilots:

Many partners of the project also were in Riga, and the meeting was a great occasion of networking and dissemination, also in sight of the third international conference of the project taking place in Berlin on 21-22 November.