On 8 and 9 November 2015 the EVA / MINERVA 12th annual international conference for professionals in cultural heritage took place at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem. At the event, focused on the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage through education and training in advanced information and communication technologies (ICT), colleague Marco Rendina presented, also on behalf of Fred Truyen, the Europeana Space project and in particular the Photo and TV pilot, in a panel together with other audiovisual related projects such as EUscreenXL, presented by Maria Drabczyk of the Polish National Audiovisual Archive, Europeana Sounds, presented by David Haskiya of the Europeana Foundation, and Forward, presented by Kerstin Herlt of the European Association of Cinematheques.
The presentation raised the attention of some Israeli memory institutions, including the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, that expressed their interest in joining the photography hackathon event in Leuven next February.
For more information about the conference and the program you can visit http://www.digital-heritage.org.il/digital-heritage/