Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sat Mar 29 10:58:43 2025 / +0000 GMT

EC launches public consultation on digital access to European cultural heritage

The Commission has opened a public consultation on the opportunities offered by digital technologies for the cultural heritage sector. Stakeholders and all interested people are invited to provide feedback on the Recommendation of 2011 on digitising cultural material and digital preservation. The aim is to propose a more appropriate policy instrument to support the digital transformation of cultural heritage.

Take the survey here:

Advancements in technology are opening up fresh opportunities to digitise cultural heritage for preservation, conservation, restoration, research, as well as for broader online access and re-use by citizens and various sectors, such as tourism. In addition, the tragic fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on 15 April 2019 demonstrates the importance of digitising and preserving culture, for instance, with 3D modelling of buildings, monuments and other heritage sites. More recently, the coronavirus pandemic and the physical distancing measures taken across the Member States have highlighted a practical need for virtually accessible cultural heritage and the advantages of having these digital tools in place.

The consultation seeks feedback from citizens, public administrations, cultural heritage institutions, international organisations and networks, the Europeana ecosystem, companies, research organisations, and academia. It will run from 22 June 2020 until 14 September 2020 at 23:59 CET and the views gathered will feed into the possible revision of the 2011 Recommendation.