Eighth European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics / call for papers open until 15 May 2017


The European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics (EWACE) was founded in 1990 and is intended to provide a forum for the development and dissemination of applications of quantitative methods in cultural economics, as well as cultural-related applications of mathematical economics, experimental economics and other quantitative approaches (e.g. applied micro and macroeconometric approaches).

8 ewace

Authors are welcome to submit papers on applied cultural economics and we offer the following lists to illustrate, but not exhaust, possible topics: industrial organization of cultural products and services (e.g. pricing, trade); labour market issues of artists (e.g. wages, migration cultural participation); spillovers and externalities of firms in the cultural sector (agglomeration); pricing of art items; studies on demand elasticities. Participation of interested researchers and policy makers from all countries is welcome.

Series organizers and Scientific Committee:

  • Karol J. Borowiecki, University of Southern Denmark
  • Christiane Hellmanzik, Technical University Dortmund
  • John O’Hagan, Trinity College, University of Dublin
  • A. E. Scorcu, University of Bologna
  • R. Zanola, University of Eastern Piedmont

Deadline for presenting the abstract: 15th May 2017

Hosted by Cracow University of Economics: http://www.uek.krakow.pl/

Download the call for papers with full instructions: PDF, 400 Kb


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