Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:17:45 2025 / +0000 GMT

EUCIDA Travel Award: Call out for European Digital Artists and Cultural Workers

eucida_logoEUCIDA is a EU Creative Europe project led by South Dublin Arts Centre Company Ireland, in partnership with Le Département du Territoire de Belfort (France) and Rezeknes Novada Pasvaldiba (Lativa). It is an interactive and innovative community of digital, media and technology artists, curators, researchers and cultural workers, connecting to imagine new ways of artistic mobility, to use technologies as a vector and to augment the sharing of experience, creative practice and opportunities transnationally both for artists and new audiences in reality and virtually. EUCIDA aims to make digital arts accessible to a non-arts audience, and bring a wider public interaction with arts and technology through a programme of ambitious and unique experiences.


A call is launched for EUCIDA Travel Award Fund, for digital artists and cultural workers to take part in European Mobility visits: the Fund supports the development of cultural diversity within new media/ digital arts by enabling artists and practitioners to travel, to show their works, exchange ideas and experiences and will award each successful applicant, with a financial contribution up to 500 euro.

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