Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:11:48 2025 / +0000 GMT

EUreka3D dissemination at EuroMed 2024 conference

During EuroMed Workshop 2 Cultural & Creative Tourism as a Driver for Sustainable Development, organized by HE project on cultural tourism SECreTOUR in Cyprus on the 3rd December 2024, EUreka3D was disseminated, in consideration of the role of 3D heritage collections as resources to be reused in tourism promotion.

The workshop was very successful, with 67 attendees, and included 17 presentations from 12 countries, by experts in cultural heritage ans sustainable tourism.

All the participants in the workshop received the EUreka3D tote bag, including dissemination materials and the booklet on 3D Digitization Guidelines, outlining and simplifying the recommended standards highlighted in the EU VIGIE Study 2020/654.

Additionally, a presentation about the Data Space project, which EUreka3D supports, was delivered by Jolan Wuyts: "Tourism as a New Market in the Data Space for Cultural Heritage", and during the Q&A session following this talk, the attendees had the chance to discuss how 3D Cultural Heritage contributes to promoting sustainable tourism.

The collaboration agreement between EUreka3D and SECreTOUR was established to explore how CHIs consider the tourism sector one of the reuse area of advanced digitized heritage collection, where the potential of 3D digitization and holistic documentation of museum collections, monuments and archaeological sites can be leveraged to support tourism promotion.

eu emblemEUreka3D project is co-financed by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union.