Mindful of climate impact: EUreka3D looks into awareness


images in this blog come from the Europeana webinar “How to create more climate-friendly communications”.

The EUreka3D project, co-funded by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union, is supporting the process of enabling the digital transformation of the Cultural Heritage (CH) sector, by building capacity and offering services to institutions especially regarding 3D digitization, storage and access.

In the strand of work for impact assessment, it is important to look at the impact that the digital transformation has on climate, particularly referring to online data storage and sharing. For this reason and in the light of initiating a path of awareness raising that accompanies the project’s activities, EUreka3D follows the initiatives of the Europeana Network Climate Action community, such as the recent workshop “How to create more climate-friendly communications” that reflected on how in the everyday work of any cultural professionals small actions can be taken to make a difference in terms of climate impact.

Larger reflections and mindfulness of climate impact delivered by storage and data management & sharing are also an element of EUreka3D technical requirements for the services developed in the project, as part of the activities of the technical partners in the project EGI and ACK Cyfronet AGH, who are collaborate with Cyprus University of Technology and Europeana Foundation.

First task is in facts setting the stage of the upcoming technologies, tools and services that EUreka3D will make available for supporting bigger and smaller CHIs with 3D and other types of cultural collections.


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