EUreka3D project opening event

Share awareness raising and training

EUreka3D is a project funded by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union, to support the digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector, by offering capacity building and training, and new services, to Cultural Heritage Institutions facing the challenge of advancing in the digitization effort, especially in 3D digitization, access, storage, sharing.

The kick-off meeting was organized by the project coordinator PHOTOCONSORTIUM in Pisa on 23-34 January 2023, hosted at the Museo della Grafica. On the first day, the kick-off meeting served to partners to review the workplan and align tasks and activities. The Project Officer Mrs. Kyriaki Tragouda (HaDEA) also participated with an introductory talk.

On the second day, two additional events were organized in hybrid form, including a awareness raising and training session about Europeana, with nearly 80 participants either on site and online; and a networking event with the sister projects currently funded by the EC with a focus on 3D, AI and Europeana.

Kick-off meeting of EUreka3D partners

Monday 23rd January – Kick-off meeting (partners only)

Tuesday 24th January – Training Workshop and Networking (hybrid)

9.30 – 11.00:, sharing digital cultural collections and fostering reuse: awareness and training session – in collaboration with Europeana Foundation – the slides presented by the speakers are available HERE.

11.00 – 12.30: Networking session of DEP projects involved with 3D digitization, capacity building and tools



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