Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sun Jun 30 15:34:11 2024 / +0000 GMT

EUreka3D presented at annual conference of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

On the 24th of April 2024 the annual conference by Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts took place under the theme of Information Technologies in the socio-cultural sphere, education and economy. The conference was held as a hybrid event in Kyiv and online, with a good participation of scientists, teachers, students of higher education institutions, master's students, graduate students, doctoral students, and cultural practitioners.

Both a plenary session and work in parallel sessions with presentations of different initiatives and projects addressed the following topics:

1. Information technologies and systems of the socio-cultural sphere.
2. Digital transformation of education, science and the economy of the socio-cultural sphere.
3. Cyber ​​security and media literacy.
4. Digital technologies in cultural and creative industries.

As the only non-Ukrainian speaker, Valentina Bachi (Photoconsortium) presented EUreka3D as one part her presentation that included an introduction of Photoconsortium as association for the promotion of heritage collections and Europeana aggregator; an overview on Data Space For Cultural Heritage project; and finally the presentation of the work ongoing to create an e-infrastructure for CHIs as part of the tasks in EUreka3D project.

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