Digital meets Culture
Export date: Wed Jul 17 14:37:27 2024 / +0000 GMT

Euromed 2018 registrations are now open

The EuroMed2018 registration is online and it is mandatory for ALL the participants:

Moreover, it is a real success that in total 537 papers have been submitted and reviewed for the EuroMed2018 conference. The 97 accepted papers are already by the Springer-Nature publisher and the corresponding authors will be notified directly from the publisher in the next 10-15 days. The EuroMed2018 e-proceedings, as well as, the hard-copy proceedings will be available at the conference.


The agenda of the conference will be published in the next few days.
Those of you, who want to attend one of the workshops or all of them, have to register (free of charge) to each one separately:
Workshop 1 - European Parliament/Commission Workshop

Workshop 2 - H2020 - COST Joint Session

Workshop 3 - H2020 – VIMM

Workshop 4 - H2020 - INCEPTION Workshop

Workshop 5 - H2020 – CrossCult

Workshop 6 - Europeana Transcribathon 1914-1918 in Cyprus

The most important workshop will be on the 29th-30th of October and it is in cooperation with the European Parliament and the European Commission. Key professionals from around the world will be actively involved and few authors will be invited to present their work also. The workshop is focusing on the current state of the art and future challenges in the area of 3D documentation in Cultural Heritage. The results of this workshop will help the policy makers at the European Commission to shape the next agenda on Digital Heritage in the upcoming Horizon-Europe Framework programme (2021-2027). Attached you can find the official announcement from the European Commission.

The EuroMed publications have been downloaded more than one (1) million times from the e-Portal of Springer-Nature since 2010 (the start of our cooperation with Springer). Therefore, our proceedings belong to the 10 bestselling e-books of Springer-Nature worldwide. To celebrate that, the Publisher will be represented at the conference with one senior Director in Charge of the LNCS publications and it is offering 1000 Euro Award for the three best papers (FULL, PROJECT and SHORT). Consequently, the first best paper under the category FULL will receive 400 Euro, the best paper under the category PROJECT will receive 400 Euro and the best paper under SHORT papers will receive 200 Euro award.

The award ceremony will be during the opening ceremony on the 29th of October 2018.


Some important information for all of you travelling to Cyprus:

1. Venue of the conference: Filoxenia International Conference Center in Nicosia, Cyprus (Google Maps:

2. Traveling to Cyprus and from the airports to Nicosia:

3. Travelling in Nicosia by BUS:
a) app store
b) android

4. Hotel accommodation in Nicosia:

5. About Cyprus: and Cyprus Tourism Organization: