Digital meets Culture
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EuroMed2022: Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection

NEW DATES: The international conference EuroMed 2022 will be held in Cyprus from the 7th to 11th November 2022.

View the agenda for EUROMED:

The event, announced by the newly established UNESCO and European Research Area (ERA) Chairs on Digital Heritage, is dedicated on Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection.

EuroMed 2022 will focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, using cutting edge technologies for the protection, preservation, massive digitalization, documentation and presentation of the Cultural Heritage contents. At the same time, it is intended to cover topics of research ready for exploitation, demonstrating the acceptability of new sustainable approaches and new technologies by the user community, SMEs' owners, managers and conservators of cultural patrimony.

The conference is in cooperation with the EU Research Infrastructures: DARIAH-EU European Research Infrastructure on e-Humanities and Art, CLARIN-ERIC  European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology, the H2020 MSCA ITN CHANGE project, the H2020 Impactour project, the EU OPHERA project, the international association for photographic heritage Photoconsortium, the CARARE Consortium and the Michael-Plus Association, together with the prestigious publisher Springer-Nature.



Open until 15 June the call for papers on original works addressing the subjects or related research themes in the following two categories:

  • Protection, Restoration and Preservation of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • Digital Heritage Documentation and Preservation

More information regarding the themes can be found under the Call for Participation.
It is possible to submit proposals via the on-line submission website available at