European Research and Innovation Days 2021


The European Research and Innovation Days are announced to take place online on 23 and 24 June 2021.

The Draft Programme is now out, with over 60 live sessions, ranging from high-level plenaries to immersive panel discussions and workshops. Session topics include Horizon Europe, the new European Research and Innovation Programme, our recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic, the European Research Area, European Innovation Ecosystems and much more.

Create your own programme and join your favorite sessions to discuss about research and innovation with other participants from across Europe and beyond. Attend some of the specialised workshops to discuss, interact, build new networks and work together to find solutions for our global challenges.

Questions? Check the Q&A area on the EU Research and Innovation Days website, where you can find answers to the questions you may have about the upcoming event.

Brought to you by the European Commission, the European Research and Innovation Days gathers together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.

This year marks the start of Horizon Europe, the most ambitious EU research and innovation programme ever and will be a decisive moment to strengthen our European Research Area. Cooperation in research and innovation is essential in our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and will pave the way to a greener and more digital future.

Building on the great success and impact of the last online edition, this year’s event will again be fully digital, allowing everyone to get involved from anywhere. As in 2020, the online policy conference is expected to attract thousands of participants from all over the world.

@EUScienceInnov and join the conversation at #RiDaysEU.


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