Europeana 2022: call for proposals is open


The 2022 edition of the Europeana conference will take place on 28 – 30 September and a call for proposals has been launched for the occasion.

The event will be organised in a hybrid format and the conference programme will be open to professionals working in the cultural heritage sector to share expertise, knowledge and experience in varied sessions.

The conference aims to explore “how we can collaboratively build a common data Space for Cultural Heritage and raise voices from across the sector to empower digital transformation and explore the role digital cultural heritage plays in today’s and tomorrow’s world.

A call has been opened to submit proposals for a webinar, workshop, session or interactive intervention to be held during Europeana 2022. The sessions will be 30 minutes long, can be delivered live, in person or by video, recorded or presented live online.

Proposals must cover the following themes:

  • Common Data Spaces
  •  Diversity & Inclusion
  •  Participation & collaboration
  •  Climate Action
  •  Storytelling
  •  3D, multilinguality and AI
  •  European Year of Youth

The call for proposals for the Europeana 2022 conference will be open until 27 May 2022. Here the page with the information to participate in the call.

Further information about the conference and the call are available at:


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