Europeana aligns with the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF)


As part of the Europeana Cloud project, a document proposing data modelling solutions for representing digital objects (such as images) and full-text with a particular focus on Newspapers resources was just released.

One of the use case focuses on the interoperability with the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF). IIIF is a standard for serving and consuming high quality images online, with the ability to instruct a server about the desired resolution, or image manipulations such as rotation and zooming.

Europeana hopes to promote the adoption of the IIIF technology by demonstrating its value and, from a more technical perspective, by making Europeana’s own technical stack (including the Europeana Data Model and the Europeana Collections portal) more interoperable with IIIF implementation initiatives.

Read more on Europeana’s Blog

Sketch model from a discussion on EDM and IIIF at IIIF Ghent meeting. Glen Robson, CC BY, from Europeana blog

Sketch model from a discussion on EDM and IIIF at IIIF Ghent meeting. Glen Robson, CC BY, from Europeana blog


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