Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sat Dec 21 1:44:11 2024 / +0000 GMT

Europeana Digital Spring Programme 2021: A representation of 3D collection storage facilities

This meeting is related to Digital cultural heritage and social change.
It aims to face a debate about how 3D collection storage facilities could re-define museum practices, promote better understanding for the general public and educate the future generations.
Dr Marzia Loddo is the leader of the project ‘DIPOT: Digital Depot' within the Marie Sklodowska-Curie LEaDing Fellows Programme and the Delft University of Technology. The one-hour workshop, will present the project and the results achieved so far with students of design and architecture.
It will be held through online interactive collaboration platforms and in breakout rooms and it will actively  involve participants in a debate on the use of digital storage for different objectives such as sustainability, education, research, conservation, navigation and presentation.

Speakers and moderators

  • Marzia Loddo (Delft University of Technology)

  • Nicole McNeilly (Europeana)

  • Ilaria Rosetti (Antwerp University)

  • Dr Bruno D'Andrade

  • Mahda Foroughi (Delft University of Technology)

  • Bruna Nunes

  • Emeline Lin (Delft University of Technology)

It is not necessarily required previous knowledge on the topic to be able to attend the workshop.

Link to the registration.
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