Europeana-Ki Culture Sustainability Workshop Series: Workshop II – Climate Action


Bauhinia variegata, Berlin-Dahlem Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum, CC BY-SA

The Europeana Network Association’s Climate Action Community is holding a series of workshops in collaboration with Ki Culture and supported by Europeana Foundation on sustainability and sustainable digital cultural heritage management: these workshops will focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), climate action, and better digital information management practice.

“Workshop II – Climate Action” is the second of a three-session workshop series and it will focus on the climate crisis and specifically what the cultural sector can do about it: the workshop challenges participants to discuss topics that they may feel are controversial or difficult to discuss.

By providing moderated, small discussion spaces, participants are given space and time to explore their own thoughts and feelings regarding the climate crisis and the larger and smaller actions happening. Participants should leave feeling empowered and relieved – having a clearer takeaway on what the nuances are of these topics and a clearer idea of their thoughts on these issues.

Find all the related information and register to participate at this link.


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