Digital meets Culture
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Europeana Research Grants Programme - 2019 Call for Submissions

europeana research

Theme 2019: Digital Cultural Heritage for Open Science

Applicants are invited to submit proposals that address challenges and opportunities related to the reuse of cultural heritage data in research, or provide training to build up the digital capabilities of cultural heritage professionals involved in research projects. The Europeana Research Events Grants are made possible by the European Commission's Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Programme.

Proposals can address the field of Cultural Heritage in general or focus on one of its specific domains (such as Galleries, Libraries, Archives, or Museums). They can also focus on challenges and opportunities for specific academic disciplines that use digital cultural heritage as a source for Research, (for instance all the disciplines within the Humanities, such as Archaeology, History, Linguistics, History of Art and Architecture, etc.).

The Europeana Research Events Grants, for a overall amount of euro 25.000 per year, are intended for planning and organising:

  • Conferences

  • Workshops

  • Series of seminars

  • Summer schools

  • Training activities

with the aim of bringing together cultural heritage professionals and researchers interested in digital cultural heritage.

Deadline is 31 October 2019.

All information and application form: