Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sun Jun 30 20:24:56 2024 / +0000 GMT

EUscreenXL Final International Conference

EUscreenXL announces its second and final international conference to be hosted on the 3 and 4 December 2015 at the National Audiovisual Institute in Warsaw, Poland.


Content in Motion: Curating Europe's Audiovisual Heritage

EUscreen-CMYKDuring two eventful days the EUscreen network will involve archivists, curators, broadcasters and researchers to discuss the benefits and challenges arising from the openness of archives and collections in the digital age. The availability of audiovisual heritage online provides new possibilities of curation, participation, exchange and transnational cooperation that not yet have been fully explored.
We invite you to gather in Warsaw to participate in moderated debates, workshops and face to face discussions — and leave with a richer vision of how to create efficient partnerships aimed at forward-looking curation of audiovisual heritage and at a deeper involvement of users.

Mark your calendar now and stay up to date on the must-attend event for media and audiovisual heritage enthusiasts.


More information about the conference will be available soon on EUScreenXL official blog.