Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sun Jun 30 17:17:48 2024 / +0000 GMT

Eva Florence 2014, dissemination

Europeana Photography was present once again to the EVA conference in Florence, held on 7 - 8 May 2014.

DSCI0158A nice presentation by Emanuela Sesti of Fondazione Alinari highlighted to the present audience the progress of the project, and disseminated about the exhibition All Our Yesterdays, currently on show in Pisa until the 2nd June, and then travelling through Europe (next appointment: Leuven, January 2015).

The EVA Florence conference this year had as ususal a nice program of interesting speeches, and it is intended to be a forum for the user, supplier and scientific research communities to meet and exchange experiences, ideas and plans in the wide area of Culture & Technology.

The 2014 event included a plenary conference and 3 workshops dedicated to International Cooperation, to Innovation and Enterprise and to  e-Infrastructures for cultural content.
