Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sat Mar 29 10:11:50 2025 / +0000 GMT

"Freeze! Challenge the Hierarchy: Researcher, Artist, User!" - E-Space Dance Pilot in Copenhagen

by Rosemary Kostic Cisneros (Coventry University).

This was an international conference mainly for Dance/Art related academics, professionals, archivists  and practitioners, with over 150 participants, organized by SIBMAS, the international network of cultural heritage in the performing arts, on 31 May - 3 June 2016 at the Royal Library in Copenhagen.

The Dance Pilot presented a panel  with 3 papers:

  • Exhibitions and Engagement- Educational Processes, By: Rosemary Kostic Cisneros

  • Animating the archives: re-mediating and re-embodying digital records of dance, By: Sarah Whatley

  • Reusing and Remixing Dance, By: Hetty Blades

Our objectives were to: (a) disseminate Pilot information, materials and tools. (b) Encourage people to learn more about E-Space and Europeana Foundation  and visit project website and foundation's website. c)Follow us on twitter and other social media outlets (d) Identify local test-users (e) gather feedback on the E-Space Pilot ideas.

The impact is hard to measure but it is known that all of the individuals understood the nature of the  E-Space Pilot, the project and the Europeana Foundation. Attendees were interested and eager to learn more.  The dialogue generated was constructive and useful for us as a pilot and for them as participants. We gathered information on the digital technologies they are familiar with or currently using, the IPR issues they face and the potential that our prototypes could have on their work. We also shared with them the usability testing results. This was the first time the pilot was engaging with professional archivists.

E-Space Booklet, website, and blog information was distributed, Hackathon and Pilot activities were also disseminated.  We also shared images and project videos with attendees and shared the twitter information with others.


Audience  was comprised dance artists, archivists, graduate students, academics and other dance/art professionals and practitioners of different nationalities: English, American, Spanish, Greek, Polish, Czech Republic, Romanian, Bulgarian, Brazilian, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese.

Learn more on the event: