The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) and its Working Group “Citizen science and universities” in the series of monthly webinars, will host a webinar on October 26 (16 CET) with three partners of the CitizenHeritage project. The topic of the 1h webinar is “From mainstream citizen science to new conceptualizations: insights from the cultural heritage sector”.
- Katerina Zourou, Web2Learn. “Review of practices of Higher Education engagement in citizen enhanced open science in the area of cultural heritage”
- Fred Truyen, KU Leuven. “CitizenHeritage: giving citizens a voice in Heritage studies”
- Trilce Navarrete, Erasmus University Rotterdam. “Measuring the benefits of civic participation in academic research”
This webinar is held by the Erasmus+ KA2 project CitizenHeritage: Citizen Science Practices in Cultural Heritage: towards a Sustainable Model in Higher Education.