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Cattura1Next  September 2019 world leaders from industry, finance, academia and business will meet in Brussels in occasion of the European research & Innovation Days, the annual policy event which aims is to mobilise EU citizens, increase awareness and understanding of how important research and innovation are in addressing the challenges that face society. The debate will cover vital areas of science, engineering, medicine, and wider social and environmental concerns.

It will also provide an important opportunity for key stakeholders to input ideas into the overall strategic planning for the future Horizon Europe.
Speakers will include ministers, commissioners, members of European Parliament, researchers, as well as surprise guests each day.
The event will host three different sections:
– A policy conference for debating and shaping the future research and innovation landscape.
– An Innovative Europe Hub meeting and exhibition space for inventors, investors, entrepreneurs and the whole range of services, businesses, civil society organisations, agencies and intermediaries that make European science technology so dynamic.
– Science Is Wonderful! A free exhibition which will brings the world of science to the public showing how science impacts the daily lives  through hands-on experiments, live demonstrations, face-to-face chats with researchers. Participants will face topics such as how to fight cancer, slow down global warming, prevent hunger and drought, facilitate human life in space.
Workshop sessions will be joined by research and innovation practitioners from around the world to discuss and co-design solutions to deliver the next great transition to a sustainable and prosperous economy, society, and planet.
Participants will collaborate across polices, setting the direction, spurring innovation, triggering investment, and mobilising citizens.
The event really represents a great opportunity to network, share best practices and knowledge.
Registration will be open at the end of April.
Link to the webpage.


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