HCOMP Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing – Blue Sky Ideas


The Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2020) invites submissions to a special “Blue Sky Ideas” track.

HCOMP is the home of the human computation and crowdsourcing community. It’s the premier venue for presenting latest findings from research and practice into frameworks, methods and systems that bring together people and machine intelligence to achieve better results.

While artificial intelligence (AI) and human-computer interaction (HCI) represent traditional mainstays of the conference, HCOMP believes strongly in fostering and promoting broad, interdisciplinary research. Our field is particularly unique in the diversity of disciplines it draws upon and contributes to, including human-centered qualitative studies and HCI design, social computing, artificial intelligence, economics, computational social science, digital humanities, policy, and ethics. We promote the exchange of advances in human computation and crowdsourcing not only among researchers, but also engineers and practitioners, to encourage dialogue across disciplines and communities of practice.

This year, HCOMP2020 will be a virtual event organized by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision.

Website: https://www.humancomputation.com/


The emphasis of this track will be on visionary ideas, long term challenges, and opportunities in research that are outside of the current mainstream topics of the field.

Submissions will be judged on the extent to which they expand the possibilities and horizons of the field or challenge existing assumptions prevalent in the field.

Submission deadline: 7 August

To encourage researchers to present truly visionary concepts, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is offering prizes for up to three top papers in this special track: first prize $1000, second prize $750, and third prize $500, to be awarded.

Submissions to this track are limited to at most four pages in length. Note that paper submissions in this track will not receive full-fledged reviews as in the other tracks at HCOMP 2020. All submissions however will be screened to ensure that they meet the required criteria of being visionary in nature. A committee of experts will adjudicate the top-3 submissions to this track and nominate them for awards sponsored by CCC.

Questions? Please contact Ujwal Gadiraju, at u.k.gadiraju@tudelft.nl


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