Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner. Ph. Christophe Licoppe, European Union, 2021 Copyright. Source: EC – Audiovisual Service
The first Horizon Europe Work Programmes for the period 2021-2022 were approved by the European Commission and are already published on the Funding and Tenders portal. These investments will help accelerate the green and digital transitions and will contribute to sustainable recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and to EU resilience against future crises.
Especially of interest for the cultural sector is the Cluster 2 dedicated to Culture, Creativity and Inclusive society. This cluster aims to strengthen European democratic values, including rule of law and fundamental rights, safeguarding our cultural heritage, and promoting socio-economic transformations that contribute to inclusion and growth. The expected impacts of this cluster are contained in the Horizon Europe strategic plan.
Areas of intervention
- democracy
- cultural heritage
- social and economic transformations
The first calls for proposals will open on the Commission’s Funding and Tenders Portal on 22 June. The European Research and Innovation Days on 23 and 24 June will also mark the occasion to discuss Horizon Europe amongst policymakers, researchers, innovators and citizens.
Finally, the Horizon Europe Information Days dedicated to potential applicants will take place between 28 June and 9 July. The 10-day event will give the opportunity to prospective applicants, and other stakeholders of EU research and innovation, to receive information and ask questions about the novelties, main funding instruments and processes of Horizon Europe.