The Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) of the Girona City Council and the Association of Archivists of Catalonia, with the support of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia – Sub-Directorate General of Archives, and the Spanish Ministry of Culture – Sub Directorate-General of State Archives, the promotion of the International Council on Archives (CIA/ICA) and the collaboration of Digital Meets Culture, Michael Culture Association, Photographic Studies Institute of Catalonia (IEFC), Sindicat de la Imatge UPIFC and ANABAD, are calling the 14th Image and Research International Conference, which will be held in the Palau de Congressos de Girona from 17th to 18th of November.

Girona is one of the cities with the most personality in Catalonia. Wandering Girona’s ancient streets is a continuous journey of discovery around its hidden corners, both large and small.
Previously, on 16th, four workshops related to the areas of interest of the Conference will be organized.
A very rich programme of Workshops, keynote conferences, presentations and roundtables completes this event, one of the most popular and appreciated on the international stage.
Download the full programme (PDF, 2,5 Mb)
Event website and registration (deadline: 26 October 2016) at:
Digital Meets Culture is Media Partner of the International Conference and will follow the event with a full coverage.
During the event, the PREFORMA project will organise a Workshop (on 16th November) called “PREFORMA – A tool to guarantee the preservation of digital cultural heritage” to present its results and the challenges that are still to be addressed. Magnus Geber (Principal Administrative Officer at the Information and Preservation Department at the National Archives of Sweden) and Antonella Fresa (General Manager and Administrator of company Promoter srl) as representatives of the project will chair the Workshop.
The International Consortium for Photographic Heritage (Photoconsortium), formally established on 2014 after the end of the Europeana Photography project, will explain the importance to be part of this association in order to be included in a network of top-class partners that are leading the Historical photography sector in Europe, with access to specialized services related to the re-use and enhancement of photographic heritage. Fred Truyen and David Iglésias, respectively President and Officer of the Association, will take a presentation of the International Association on 17th November.