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IN SITU Collaborative Interactive Workshop | Cooperation for sustainability: Strengthening capacities of local actors

The IN SITU Collaborative Interactive Workshop Cooperation for sustainability: Strengthening capacities of local actors will take place on September 30th and October 1st, 2024, at City Library Juraj Šižgorić, Šibenik, Croatia and online (via Zoom).

The Zaklada Kultura Nova (KNF) invites artists, arts managers and entrepreneurs, cultural professionals, researchers, educators, students, cultural policy-makers and anyone interested to join the collaborative interactive workshop, hosted in partnership with the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov” (NATFIZ).

The workshop is taking place as part of the Horizon Europe IN SITU project that supports the work of creative and cultural industries in non-urban areas of Europe.

Four collaborative sessions will be held, starting in the morning of Monday, 30th September and throughout Tuesday, 1st October 2024. They are designed to empower participants in driving change, securing funding, mastering cooperation, and networking as well as work with the communities in non-urban areas. The sessions' topics range from strategic management and leadership, networking and partnerships building on a local and regional level, community building and audience participation to financial and fundraising opportunities for individual artists and entrepreneurs. All sessions are completely free of charge.

You can join the six sessions below (or some of them upon your choice) online or in person. The time zone is Central European Summer Time (CEST):

  • Session 1: 30th September 2024, Monday, 10.00 – 12.00: Strategic management and leadership: Sustainability aspects. (Facilitators/presenters: Lidia Varbanova – NATFIZ, Bulgaria & Antonija Letinić – KNF, Croatia)

  • Session 2: 30th September 2024, Monday, 13.00 – 15.00: Networking and partnerships building on a local and regional level: A sustainable approach (Facilitators/presenters: Igor Bajok – SMART, Croatia)

  • Session 3: 30th September 2024, Monday 15.15 – 16.15: Perspectives of local collaboration: Open discussion and summary of the day (Facilitators/presenters: Lidia Varbanova – NATFIZ, Bulgaria & Antonija Letinić – KNF, Croatia)

  • Session 4: 1st October 2024, Tuesday, 10.00 – 12.00: Community building and audience participation (Facilitator/presenter: Tanja Kalčić – consultant, Croatia)

  • Session 5: 1st October 2024, Tuesday, 13.00 – 15.00: Financial and fundraising opportunities for individual artists and entrepreneurs. EU funding: tips and lessons learned (Facilitator/presenter: Lidia Varbanova – NATFIZ, Bulgaria)

  • Session 6: 1st October 2024, Tuesday, 15.15 – 16.15: Broadening the horizon: Open discussion and summary of the seminar (Facilitators/presenters: Lidia Varbanova – NATFIZ, Bulgaria & Antonija Letinić – KNF, Croatia)

Lidia Varbanova, Professor and Program Director at NATFIZ, states: “The upcoming seminar in Šibenik promises to be a transformative event, focusing on strengthening the capacities of local cultural actors in Croatia- a stunning country nested along the Adriatic Sea, with a vibrant and diverse art scene. We expect that participants will engage in interactive collaborative sessions that will not only enhance their practical skills but will also craft a resilient ecosystem that supports artistic expression and entrepreneurial ventures within Croatia's vibrant cultural tapestry.

To register for any of the seminar sessions, please follow this link.

You will receive a Certificate of attendance upon successful completion of the seminar.