Digital meets Culture
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INCULTUM and Be.CULTOUR meet to discuss synergies

The network and communication teams of INCULTUM and Be.CULTOUR met on 29th July for a talk to know better each other. In facts the two projects are funded from the same EC call and have many things in common, among which the research for innovation in tourism via a number of pilot experimentations across Europe, all of them set in "minor" and underexplored areas that deserve better valorization and sustainable promotion.

Be.CULTOUR stands for “Beyond CULtural TOURism: heritage innovation networks as drivers of Europeanisation towards a human-centred and circular tourism economy”. It expresses the goal to move beyond tourism through a longer-term human-centred development perspective, enhancing cultural heritage and landscape values.

Read more about the project in the official website:

Scope of the meeting, that follows the already launched discussions on synergies among the 6 sister projects funded by EC in the same area of research for sustainable tourism, is to establish collaborations in two main areas: deploying cross-dissemination of activities with exchange of participation in webinars and events, and understanding common issues and challenges across the pilots of the two projects.