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Export date: Wed Jul 17 21:48:30 2024 / +0000 GMT

"The Fantastic Picnic" at the top of mont Beuvray

Pictures @Bibracte/ Patricia Lepaul– 2023

Fantastic Picnics” have been organised over the last ten years in September in more than fifty venues in Burgundy including Bibracte. These events allow participants to (re)discover regional gastronomy during a tasting picnic in the countryside or in a heritage site.

Fantastic Picnic isn't just about sharing a picnic: above all, it's about creating an atmosphere that's unique to each venue: a music concert, a hike, a visit to an emblematic (or more discreet) site... And it's also a time to meet and chat with regional producers, craftsmen and heritage enthusiasts.

This year, Bibracte organized its Fantastic Picnic as part of the INCULTUM pilot, on Sunday 10th September at the top of mont Beuvray. The event gathered more than 150 participants, mainly inhabitants of the territory.

The programme included 2 guided “gourmet walks” to discover the unique landscapes of Mont Beuvray and a farmers' market where participants could buy local products and listen to local bands.

The walks were organised on the new 7kms cultural route that Bibracte plans to open in 2024 on this part of the massif, which is less known by the public. This new pilot itinerary was officially open to the public during an event on September 1st 2023.

Around 20 local producers and craftsmen from the Grand Site de France showcased their products on the famers' market. This market was a good opportunity to promote the new producers' association created by the pilot's agriculture working group which is in the process of being approved as an Economic and Environmental Interest Group, a French Ministry of Agriculture label designed to promote the organisation of agricultural actors around collective sustainable projects.

The initiative is part of the INCULTUM project funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union.

You can download here the Information sheet.