Digital meets Culture
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INNOVA Master's Degree in Virtual Cultural Heritage

arqueologia-virtual-archaeologyHow do you prepare a professional in Cultural Heritage in the digital age? How the University can solve the gap between Science and Humanities? Is the current University ready to deal with education in Cultural Heritage? Are then Humanities a good professional option?

The INNOVA MASTER's Degree in Virtual Heritage: The Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era is a degree from INNOVA (Virtual Archaeology International Network) and SEAV (Spanish Society of Virtula Archaeology). Specialists from 36 Institutions, research centers and international companies across 12 countries have developed the degree consisting of 60 ECTs credits. The degree has three mandatory modules to be undertaken by the student throughout 62 teaching weees, with corresponding holiday periods over Christmas, Easter and Summer.
The programme is taught entirely online through the virtual classroom of the International Campus SEAV TRAINING, with personalised access and weekly advice of expert tutors.
The course covers theoretical topics, practical activities and includes objective test to be graded for each chapter.
Student literature, resources and certain software will be provided to the student for the completion of the proposed activities. Three reviews will be conducted during the course that will result in a final grade.
1_LOGO-INNOVAAt its completion, the student will receive the title INNOVA MASTER's Degree in Virtual Heritage: The Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era

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