XI° Edition 2024
Between November and December 2024, Kyber Theatre organises in Cagliari (Italy) the 11th Edition of the International Theatre, Art and New Technologies Festival called “The Wonders of Possible”.
The LMDP Festival supports the development and experimentation of new creative, theatrical and artistic languages through new technologies, with the programming of shows, performances, installations, workshops, and conferences.
Kyber Teatro, a spin-off of L’Aquilone di Viviana, the creator and organizer of the LMDP Festival, promotes international encounters between artists, scientists and technological researchers and the contamination between the arts, offering all Italian and foreign artists and performers, including emerging and/or under-35 companies, the opportunity to participate in the Festival by sending their project by April 2, 2024.
Who can attend
• Companies, Individual Artists
• Companies/Artists emerging or/and under 35.
• Companies/Non-emerging artists of all ages (we encourage applications from artists at any stage of their careers).
Maximum 3 participants per project.
Eligible Projects
• Theater and new technology performances
• Performances of art and new technologies
Artists interested in participating in the Festival should email info@kyberteatro.it the following materials:
– Artists/Company CV;
– Location of departure of each artist and technical staff of the company;
– Presentation dossier in PDF format;
– Technical sheet;
– A selection of up to 5 photographs;
– Link to the integral audio and video material to be made available on Vimeo or Youtube;
The outcome of the evaluation will be communicated to those selected only by May 6, 2024.
Economic conditions
Open Call winners will be guaranteed full coverage of mobility costs (travel to Cagliari, food and lodging). The organizing Company will communicate to the winning artists the travel itinerary and other useful information for hospitality. In addition, a small reimbursement of expenses will be guaranteed for the presentation of No. 2 replicas of their show/performance. If possible and by prior arrangement with the technical manager, any materials required for the presentation of the performance/show/installation will also be covered.
Publication and archiving
Artists agree to provide a brief biography and synopsis of the work and agree that the material may be published on the LMDP Festival website and social media or given to the press for promotional purposes.
Permission is given for Kyber Teatro – L’Aquilone di Viviana to archive the material and make it accessible via the Festival website. All rights to the project images will remain with the artist. The Organization is also authorized to document through audio video recordings or images the unfolding of the event at every stage.