Digital meets Culture
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I&R Image and Research conference

I&R Image and Research, the benchmark event for professionals in photography and audiovisual heritage, is organized in the 17th edition in November 2022 by the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) of the Girona City Council and the Association of Archivists of Catalonia, with the support of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia - Archive and Records Management.

The conference includes a mix of activites such as focused workshops, keynotes to discuss the state-of-the-art on working with (digital) audiovisual archives and technologies; presentations and debates.

General Programme and schedule (PDF, 3Mb)

The event is supported by the promotion of the International Council on Archives (ICA) and the collaboration of Photoconsortium, Photographic Studies Institute of Catalonia (IEFC), Sindicat de la Imatge UPIFC and ANABAD.

A call for participation (full papers and Tribune of Experience) was open until 15th June.