Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:15:38 2025 / +0000 GMT

IRCDL 2014: X Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries

IRCDL is a yearly conference for Italian researchers on Digital Libraries related topics. One of the focus of IRCDL 2014 is on emphasizing the multidisciplinary nature of the research on digital libraries which not only goes from computer science to humanities but also crosses among areas in the same field, ranging for example from archival to librarian sciences or from information management systems to new knowledge environments. This is a continued challenge for the DL field and there is the need to continue to contribute to improve the cooperation between the many communities that share common objectives.

Dep. Inform Engineering Padua-logoAnother focus of IRCDL 2014 is on the profound change that is happening on the world of scientific communication, where the object of scientific communication is no longer a linear text, although digital, but an object-centric network that consists of text, data, images, videos, blogs, etc. This change is likely to transform the nature and the role of the Digital Library and its relationship with the thematic data center. It is vitally important that this change is presented and discussed at IRCDL 2014. The aim of IRCDL 2014 is once more to provide the opportunity to explore new ideas, techniques and tools and to exchange experiences also from on-going projects.

Topics of IRCDL 2014 include but are not limited to:

  • Formal and methodological foundations of digital libraries

  • DL Architectures and infrastructures

  • System interoperability and data integration

  • Ontologies and linked data for digital libraries

  • Metadata creation, management, and curation

  • User interfaces and visualisation

  • Information Access, Usability, and Personalization

  • Long-term preservation

  • Collaborative and adaptive environments

  • Social networking and networked information

  • Quality and evaluation of digital libraries

  • Digital libraries for education and learning

  • Digital libraries for the evaluation of research quality and scholarly impact (bibliometric indicators, citation analysis etc.)

  • Exploitation of digital cultural heritage collections

  • Semantic publishing and digital libraries

  • Linking data to publications

  • New models for scholarly publishing

IMS-Padova-logoResearch papers, describing original ideas on those topics and on other fundamental aspects of digital libraries and technology, are solicited. Moreover, short papers on early research results, demos  and projects are also welcome. Research papers presenting original works should not exceed 12 pages, whereas short papers on early research results should not exceed 6 pages and papers presenting demos or projects should not exceed 4 pages.

Papers should be submitted electronically as a PDF file at:

cultura-logoSubmissions must be formatted according to Authors Instructions for Springer-Verlag LNCS Proceedings. Accepted papers in PDF format will be published in on-line proceedings (max 12 pages) at the time of the conference and presented at the conference. After the conference, some selected authors will be invited to submit a revised version of their paper for a possible inclusion in the post-proceedings volume. The revised version of each paper must take into account the suggestions and the comments received during the discussion at the conference; the revised versions are going to be reviewed by at least two reviewers.



Submission Deadline: December 13, 2013

Acceptance Notification: January 10, 2014

Registration deadline: January 17, 2014

Final version submission: January 20, 2014


Conference: January 30-31, 2014


Revised Version Submission: March 28, 2014

Post-proceedings Publication: by July, 2014

The IRCDL conferences have been launched and initially sponsored by DELOS, an EU FP6 Network of Excellence on digital libraries, together with the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua. Over the years IRCDL has become a self-sustainable event that is supported by the Italian Digital Libraries Community. The 2014 edition is sponsored by the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua and by CULTURA, EU Project for the development of next generation adaptive systems aimed at increasing and enhancing the use of digital humanities collections. IRCDL Steering Committee is composed of:

  • Maristella Agosti, University of Padua

  • Tiziana Catarci, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

  • Alberto Del Bimbo, University of Florence

  • Floriana Esposito, University of Bari

  • Carlo Tasso, University of Udine

  • Costantino Thanos, ISTI CNR, Pisa