Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sun Sep 1 2:04:22 2024 / +0000 GMT

JPEG2000 and Digitisation: Expert round table



With digital preservation, and in particular the preservation of digital assets created by digitisation, very much a hot topic in the archives and libraries communities recently; we are being asked more and more frequently by clients which is the “best” image format to use.

Of course the answer is almost always “It depends on your project's goals.”

But more specifically, we are finding an increasing number asking about JPEG2000. Some are concerned that they might be unable to access their collections in the future if they don't digitise to JPEG2000, others have a strong trust in tried and tested TIFF files and have some trepidation at switching to a new format, and yet others aren't completely sure of the advantages JPEG2000 provides over the original JPEG format…


TownsWeb Archiving interviewed four experts (Dave Thompson – Digital Curator, Wellcome Library, Melissa Terras – Director, UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, Paul Sugden – Senior Digitisation Consultant, TownsWeb Archiving, Michael Pritchard – Director-General, The Royal Photographic Society) to shed light on JPEG2000 as a format, it's potential role in digitisation, and it's suitability for digital preservation.


Read here the whole interview...


Source: TownsWeb Archiving blog