Digital meets Culture
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Keywords - finding the right words to find the right records


Collections Trust's 2019 conference revisits an important topic: Keywords - finding the right words to find the right records.

If your users struggle to find things in your collections database, this event is for you. This one-day conference will be held in the beautiful Victorian art gallery of Leicester's New Walk Museum. Aimed at anyone who works with collections, the theme is terminology control and why it matters.

Date: Thursday 12 September 2019
Venue: New Walk Museum and Art Gallery, Leicester


The Collections Trust conference always aims to give both the bigger picture and case studies from a range of museums. This year is no exception, and we are delighted to confirm the following speakers, with more to follow.

  • Revealing hidden histories Helen Johnson, Museum Development Officer , West Midlands Museum Development

  • Flat file to thesaurus: improving terminologies at the National Gallery Rupert Shepherd, Collection Information Manager, The National Gallery

  • Virtually shoes Jane Seddon, Collections Manager, Northampton Museums and Art Gallery

  • Developing specialist archaeological vocabularies Dan Miles, Research Resources Adviser, Historic England

  • Keywords for documenting collections management processes Marta Mroczek, Inventory Manager, British Museum

If you're in Leicester the day before, there is an optional pre-conference visit to the award-winning King Richard III Visitor Centre, and also a suitably-themed pub quiz. Follow the links for further details.