Save the date: 26th-28th November 2018, Bonn, Germany
Posted on: 10 September 2018

Registration’s opened for joining the
SWIB conference (Semantic Web in Libraries): the annual meeting, being held for the 10th time, focusing on
Linked Open Data (LOD) in libraries and related organizations. It is well established as an event where IT staff, developers, librarians, and researchers from all over the world meet and mingle and learn from each other. The topics of talks and workshops at SWIB revolve around
opening data, linking data and creating tools and software for LOD production scenarios. These areas of focus are supplemented by presentations of research projects in Applied Sciences, Industry Applications, Semantically Enhanced Data Publication, Searching Information Retrieval.
As usual, SWIB18 is organized by the
ZBW – German National Library of Economics / Leibniz Information Centre for Economics and the
North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz). The conference language is English.