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L’Europa in Comune: Funding opportunities seminar

convegno europa2Representatives of the city of Anagni, the neighbouring municipalities, local associations and SMEs participated in the training sessions "L'Europa in Comune" held on the 16, 19 and 20 January at Anagni. During the events, organized by the Municipality in collaboration with the Lazio Region and Promoter Srl, were presented the funding opportunities by the European Commission and the ways to access these forms of funding.

The seminar trained the participants in order to navigate the various funding opportunities, use a proper methodology for the construction of European proposals and manage funded projects in all their various stages.

Fausto Bassetta, Mayor of Anagni, declared that “to promote information days and training activities, and therefore create tools for the effective use of the resources made available from Europe is not only a political and cultural choice, but a necessity and a priority, especially in a period of social suffering widespread. The attention aroused by the event and the participation of municipal employees, cultural associations and representatives of other municipalities confirms that we are on the right track”. Raffaella Santucci, commissioner responsible for policies of the Structural and European Funds, expects that “these seminars will be a first step towards the transformation of the local realities (citizens, SMEs, public and private institutions), which must be the key actors of this change”. As expressed by Claudio Prandoni, Head of Projects at Promoter and lecturer of the seminar: "The European funding opportunities are real. It is important to be familiar with the new programs and prepare an action plan to provide access to municipalities, local authorities and SMEs to these funds. For us it is a pleasure to transfer our knowledge and long experience in this field by contributing to local and regional development and its internationalization."

The Municipality of Anagni, through the “Assessorato per le Politiche dei Fondi Strutturali e di Investimento Europei”, has launched strategic plans to ensure the municipality access to European networks and funding, as well as gain visibility at international level.



For more detailed information, check the presentations delivered during the training sessions:


Funding opportunities - H2020 and other programs

Euopean projects - How to participate