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MEMOLab: May initiatives for the recovery of historical irrigation systems in Sierra Nevada

Darro cara1MEMOLab laboratory of the University of Granada continues the planning and implementation of events dedicated to the recovery and use of historical irrigation systems in the territory of Sierra Nevada.
The 5th of May in cooperation with the Town Hall of Lugros (Granada) and the National and Natural Park of  Sierra Nevada, organized a cleaning day of the high mountain historical irrigation channels. The initiative took place in the small municipality of Lugros and in the neighbouring irrigation communities of Guadix and Graena.This system begins in the high peaks: its fundamental goal is to filter water soaking the mountain and producing an artificial recharge of the aquifer.
The event was joined by 30 volunteers coming from Spain, France, Slovenia, Chile and Turkey. These works have been carried out with traditional techniques.
The 27th of May, the MEMOLab laboratory of the University of Granada will run the cleaning and the put in use of the historical irrigation channel of Romayla.
The initiative is organized in collaboration with the Museum of Cuevas Del Sacromonte,  the Municipality of Granada,The Council of Alhambra and Generalife and it is part of the rich programme of round tables and events that will be held from 17th to 27th of May, focus on the promotion and enhance of the valley of Darro, one of the most original landscape of  the town and province.
Cattura 2The 25th of May, Prof. José María Martin Civantos, from the University of Granada will attend the round table about "Historical Irrigation channels and  environment of "Darro river valley".
The reinstatement and conservation of this autochthonous irrigation systems started with the MEMOLA project and it is one of the most interesting model of good practice for the rural heritage pilot of REACH Project as it promote the direct participation of civil society and public administration in the preservation and promotion of local landscape and cultural heritage.

more information about:
the Darro river valley programme
the Darro river valley initiative:
the YouTube Video:

;" target="_blank">cleaning day in Lugros
Dr. Lara Delgado Anés: