Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:06:45 2025 / +0000 GMT

Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality Workshop

RICHES' partner I2CAT (Internet and Digital Innovation in Catalonia, research organisation promoting research and innovation in advanced internet technology) organised a workshop in Barcelona, on "Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality". The workshop was held at the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona in the framework of I AM project (International Augmented Med).

i2cat-logoI AM is an international cooperation project involving fourteen partner organisations in seven countries around the Mediterranean Sea. It is funded by the 2007-2013 ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The 14 partners work to develop joint activities to provide innovative services to the tourism sector in each of their countries, with the aim of assisting economic development in the Mediterranean region. The innovative services consist in the application to a number of heritage sites of a variety of multimedia and interactive techniques in the field of Augmented Reality.

Mobile applications and Augmented Reality technologies offer new opportunities for heritage and tourism. A new market is under development and specific skills are required to offer innovative products adapted to the market needs.

IAMAs mobile devices become more powerful in terms of interactivity, data gathering and Internet access, Augmented Reality apps are increasing. They have the opportunity to augment, enhance and transform user's experience.

Barcelona 3-7 February's workshop explored the design, development and user studies associated to mobile Augmented Reality. In particular, discussion topics were focused on:

  • Design of mobile Augmented Reality Apps

  • Augmented Reality for Heritage and Tourism

  • Augmented Reality for Marketing

  • Augmented Reality Games, Entertainment and Education

  • Exploration currently standards, available tools and devices

 The workshop was conceived as a 5-days training, covering the global development chain, from understanding the business approach when working with mobile apps to the programing training.

Within this workshop the participants were provided with the knowledge and skills required to develop Augmented Reality experiences. It was discussed theoretical design approaches and practical frameworks, which will help developers to make Augmented Reality interfaces in mobile contexts.

Target audience: developers, SME's, entrepreneurs and students willing to develop apps for heritage and tourism.

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