NEMO webinar on using cultural heritage to foster social cohesion: the MEMEX project


On April 27, NEMO (the Network of European Museum Organizations) organized a webinar focusing on the use of cultural heritage to promote social cohesion by strengthening historically under-represented communities.

For the occasion, the experts of the MEMEX project will be present to provide a strong example of how cultural heritage and its reinterpretation and reuse through digital storytelling are a key means to shape a more inclusive society.

MEMEX (MEMories and EXperiences for inclusive digital storytelling) is a three-year project H2020 (2019-2022) that promotes social cohesion through collaborative tools that provide inclusive access to cultural heritage and, at the same time, facilitate encounters and interactions between communities at risk of social exclusion.
The project provides tools that allow the communities to tell their stories and promote their cultural diversity, as well as claim their rights and equal participation in the European society.

Through the MEMEX app installed on a smartphone, the users can create and visualise stories related to their personal memories and experiences digitally linked to the geographical locations of either intangible (e.g. an event) or a tangible cultural places/object.

Participation in the NEMO webinar is free, but registration is mandatory and is open until April 25. Find out more about the webinar and how to register at the link

Visit the MEMEX project website for more information:


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