Dance Fields Post-Graduate Research Un-Symposium
Thursday 8th-Friday 9th December 2016
EXTENDED Deadline for proposals: September 19th 2016
The Dance Fields Postgraduate Un-Symposium is designed as an informal event to share research and ideas, ‘network’, and engage in dialogue and discussion through a series of one to two hour sessions. Drawing on the themes of the Dance Fields—Staking A Claim for Dance Studies in the 21st Century conference to be hosted at Roehampton University April 19th-22nd 2017, the un-symposium hopes to open up possibilities for collaborative submissions to the Dance Fields conference as well as spark collaborative working practices, reading groups etc. for the future.
We are accepting proposals from Postgraduate Research students for 2hour sessions and 1hour mini sessions. Proposals are welcomed that address the overarching theme of the 2017 Dance Fields conference- read the full call for more information which can be downloaded here
Please send your proposal in one file with following information:
- Name
- Title of proposal
- Format (discussion, workshop etc.)
- Possible conference strand
- Abstract (max. 300 words)
- 3-5 key words
- Technical requirements
- Brief biography (max. 150 words)
- Contact details
Please send to Rebecca Stancliffe at by September 8th 2016

photo Coventry University
Dance Fields: Staking a Claim for Dance Studies in the 21st Century
19th – 22nd April 2017 University of Roehampton
A Conference convened by Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University; Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Dance (CIRID), De Montfort University and Centre for Dance Research, University of Roehampton
Call for papers, panels, performances and presentations
CFP Deadline Friday 30th September 2016
This conference offers the blurring of boundaries between scholarly, writerly and material based artistic practices; emergent discourses between and across disciplines. New forms of collaborative and collective working will be emphasised and explored via mixed modes of enquiry, presentation, participation and dialogue.
By asking, ‘Where are we now?’ the conference will focus on strategic issues and questions pertaining to the UK socio-political landscape, whilst acknowledging the importance of the European and international dimensions as practices cannot be contained within any specific country-based framework.
To read more about the conference themes and how to make a proposal please download the full call here
All proposals should be sent by email with a subject heading Dance Fields Proposal to: