Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:09:03 2025 / +0000 GMT

New EU partnership to promote culture and health

A new European partnership has just started to carry out a study on the importance of cultural activities and arts in ensuring mental health and well-being both on an individual and collective level.

This project, called “CultureForHealth”, consists of major European cultural networks, organisations and a region: Culture Action Europe (the project manager), Trans Europe Halles, the Northern Dimension Partnership for Culture, Danish Central Denmark RegionCentrul Cultural Clujean from Romania and Društvo Asociacija from Slovenia.

It will run from December 2021 to May 2023 and aim to achieve key objectives:

  • improve the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the EU related to the role of culture in well-being and health

  • identify the most relevant existing practices

  • improve opportunities for actors in the field

  • make a set of policy recommendations.

During the 18 months, CultureForHealth will carry out six pilots that will include many different experiences: museum experiences for people with dementia, cultural experiences against burnout in the workplace, cultural experiences to strengthen social conditions, inclusion and mental well-being.

The “CultureForHealth” website will be online in January 2022 with updated news on the project.