Digital meets Culture
Export date: Thu Jul 18 4:06:57 2024 / +0000 GMT

New results of UNCHARTED are available on the website

The latest outputs produced by the scientific work packages of UNCHARTED, WP2 Identifying the Emergence of Values of Culture” and WP3 “Measuring and Imagining, are available on the site for free download.
The Work Package 2, led by the University of Porto, is dedicated to the analysis of the emergence of values related to culture in practical contexts and in the field of cultural policy and cultural administration.
After the release of the first 5 deliverables, the last two deliverables D2.6 and D2.7 are now available.
The first, D2.6 Synthetic summary of the debates at the first workshop, presents a summary of the debates at the first workshop “Cultural values in the cultural sphere: a European perspective” which was held in Porto on the 16-17 September 2021. During the two days of events the case studies of WP1 and WP2 were presented and discussed. Details of the broad debate on the conflicting plurality of values in cultural participation, cultural administration, cultural production and heritage management are presented in this report.
The second, D2.7. Overview of the multiplicity of values of culture and its controversies, embodies the concluding phase of the WP2 work and reflections based on the 26 case studies developed within the four research fields of UNCHARTED (cultural production and heritage management, cultural participation in live arts and culture, cultural participation through media, cultural administration).
Work Package 3, led by University of Bologna, addresses the central challenge of understanding the tensions relating to how different actors in the cultural field construct, measure, compare and rank the values they attribute to culture.
The firs deliverable of the team, the D3.1 Report on WP3 case studies, is now available to present and compare the WP3 topics of investigations: grammars of valuation and evaluation in cultural practices of consumption, practices of evaluation in cultural production and heritage management, the influence of public administration evaluation methodologies on cultural production and heritage management, the representations of cultural value in cultural information systems.

Further information:
Download the full text of each deliverable in the UNCHARTED download area.
Links to the WP2 and WP3 webpages.