Digital meets Culture
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online conference "The Revolution of Caravaggio" by film director Paolo Benvenuti

The successful exhibition at MART museum in Rovereto, Caravaggio. The Contemporary, offers visitors the opportunity to admire the Burial of Saint Lucy in the flesh. This painting is the oldest Sicilian work by Michelangelo Merisi (AKA Caravaggio) and is currently on loan from its usual home in the church of Santa Lucia alla Badia in Syracuse. The seventeenth-century masterpiece is exhibited among a selection of contemporary works and photographs, encouraging new conversations and emphasising Caravaggio's spiritual relevance. Caravaggio. The Contemporary exhibition is enriched by a programme of both physical and online events.

Next appointment is with an online conference by film director Paolo Benvenuti, about Caravaggio's painting practice and the theory of the artist using a sort of a primitive dark room to create his artworks.

11th February h. 18.30

La rivoluzione di Caravaggio. Paolo Benvenuti

Event in Italian Language
Registration link: (max 100 participants).


The exhibition is on display at MART until April 2021: